Torch Club of The Fox Valley Torch Logo

M i n u t e s 14 April 2011
Atlas Coffee Mill and Café

Present: Nancy Bodway, Marcia & David Debbink, Barbara & Bill Kelly, Amy Oberg, Mary Poulson, Richard Schoenbohm, Bob Swain, Peter Thiel, Scott Valitchka, Len Weis, Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak

PRESIDENT Barb Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m..

MINUTES were approved as previously amended by the President/Webmaster. (See TORCH website.)

TREASURER’S REPORT was approved. Expenditures since the last meeting were $590 for IATC semi-annual dues, $15 for Fox City Online, and $21 for two TORCH pins. A deposit for half-year dues and initiation fee was $45 total.

Check book balnce: $4,509.76.

Barb announced the need to review our By-laws. She asked that we bring any concerns to the next meeting. We will discuss possible amendments, changes. Barb is willing to continue as Webmaster but we might want a By-laws amendment for appointing the Webmaster.

Are the By-laws what we want? (Go to the website to read them.)

Final selection of delegates and alternates for the Convention are necessary. A motion was made and passed to have Al Button and Len Weis certified as delegates.Bob Swain and Amy Oberg are possible alternates.

We adjourned at 7:05 for dinner followed by Len Weis’s program, To Be Ore Not To Be, and his intriguing display of rocks and minerals and tools.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Wullner-Faiss Cloak, Secretary

©2011 Torch Club of the Fox Valley